

There is freedom in pain.
Liberation that comes with letting the tears fall.
There is something so freeing about breaking apart and allowing the hurt in all the ways you want to.
To crawl into bed and let the warmth envelope you.
Everytime I think I'm drowning I realize for the first time that I'm finally breathing.
When the knives dig deeper into my chest I feel alive and I remember just how much I want to live.
It's twisted isn't it.
Or maybe I'm the twisted one.
Because in the windows of pain I find myself happiest.
I crave the ache and tears desperate for the relief that they bring.
In my weakest moments I know true peace.
I'm like an addict waiting for my next high.
A daredevil anxious for a new thrill.
Clearly my joy is wrongly placed, sick even.
But I indulge myself still, loving every bit of pain and joy I get out of this unexplainable highway.

© @NatalieChilikwela