

Happiness is Fleeting
Happiness is quite fleeting,
like pleasure before the pain.
Gird your loins for the inevitable impact.
That will knock you down, with no greeting.
No matter that you know it's coming.

You'll fool yourself into thinking,
that it will be different this time.
This time, there's no reason, nor rhyme,
that it will be any way else.
But, still, you fool yourself.
You tell yourself, I've paid my dues, so...
Once happiness returns, it will indeed last.

Yet, you are bound to repetitive reasoning.
So change your typical thoughts,
and steel yourself for the next onslaught.
And, ask yourself this question...
Tired of hearing, things will get better?
Then, don't dwell on how things were.
Forget the pain and sadness of the past.
Just swiftly shake it off!
It will always be there, don't mind, won't matter.
Change your maddening mind-set.
Get ramped-up and ready for it.
And, don't let it keep you from happiness,
while it lasts.

d. nelson 11/20/2020