


I called her to talk my mind out, but as we walk through the path,
I couldn't voice anything than to keep gazing at her,
yet I wanted to define what we are,
She kept smiling, even though my jokes where not worth laughing,
I noticed, we were already in a deep conversation in mind,
then I looked at her, holding her hands warmly,
as she reciprocate politely,
I fell for it, that I could no longer wait,
I advanced closer, she held on my coler,
We began exchanging words,
without words, our unspoken chat,
lasted longer than I thought,
my gaze,
was whispering "I LOVE YOU" same was on her face,
I needed no proof of identity again,
than to continue without restrain,
We walked out the garden dancing,
her happiness was overflowing,
our heart heard conversation was indeed stronger, and forever..


© Aniedi Victor David