

murdered by SUICIDE
some hang themselves with rope
jump off high raised buildings,
ingest a bottle of pills or,
blow their brains off
they want everything to end soon
cause it hurts so much...

just like the ever smiling girl,
she was the best in her class
everyone wonders why she never talks and never mingles
fools said she was proud and arrogant for,
not wanting to talk to friends
and for not wanting to mingle with people.

No one took time to notice her
to notice she's going through pains,
to notice she's getting weak,
to notice the marks and scars on her neck,
to notice why she always wore long sleeves...

Even till the day she started talking
she became friendlier,smiley and looked happy,
no one noticed behind those smiles we're tears at night.
they didn't notice the black diary she kept.
they didn't notice the quotes she wrote,
sad quotes and suicide quotes always on the wall...

Then the day came,
her friends told her "good day"
but she replied "Good Bye"
though they never thought twice about it...
Not until the next day,it was on the news,
"with her heart falling into a black abyss, Sandra pulled the trigger"
and she never got the chance to read and hear the news on her,
murdered by SUICIDE
perhaps if only she knew that,
suicide wasn't the solution to a temporary problem...