

Just a thought, Just a feeling
I am lost in this world, Just lost I would say,
A wandering soul in the starry night.
Just a thought, just a feeling,
Nothing to think and nothing to say.
Just to see, here I am
Let it be a soul or a wandering soul
Isn't all just the same.
What am I supposed to say,
What am I supposed to feel
Isn't all just the world's rule,
I would say, just a thought, just a feeling
Nothing to think and nothing to say
Just to see, here I am
Isn't the wandering soul in the starry night carefree, reflecting freedom?
What else to say, the words will never end
Or will it, who knows what will happen to the wandering soul in the starry night.
Just a thought and I would say just a feeling.
© Anusweta Bhattacharjee 2023