

God Song
God song

"Does anyone know who is God?" Wailed the intrigued boy

God is in the smell of first rain, confessed by the farmer

Sunflower waking to east points God, yelled the gardener

God is in the cold air that fills your lungs, articulated by the trekker

Pardon is God! cried the wrecked life imprisoned criminal

God lies in voices of harmed and grieved, screamed the father of raped girl

Arrival of death is compassion and is thus God, whispered the sick feeble soul

God is in living, cried the differently abled women

The winter barren snow clad field, believed God is spring to come

God lies in rain, argued the dry dead leaves of forest fire

Universe is God, declared by the pious man

God is nowhere, debated by the scientist

God is in the truth of their unsatisfied needs

How shall you find God, where shall you find God,

When no soul heard his singing or seen his image

Should I say, God is gazing at you sitting in you
Or a mere Spectator sitting million galaxy away

Is he the compassionate one that crafted magnanimous world
Or the blind power that creates tsunamis and earthquakes

Is he between colony of angels
Or present in each cell of you and me

How can you know Gods might and presence until he guides the path

God is in the unraveled mysteries of himself

© karthik