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The more you want a reply from a person, the more they'll keep silent.

You'll be deemed "soft" as you strive to do more than those that'd rather act violent.

I'm not the kinda man that'd fear sleeping on the couch, it doesn't convey my mission statement nor stop me from thinking aloud.

You told me you deserve better, why I never ran from the concerns you were addressing.

I remember when you told you friend while you did your laundry "I was the reason you were stressed"

You think that was the only time I was negatively impacted by issues you never cared to address?

I gave you my best, an yet you blame me as the love was laid to rest?

You don't count the fruits that are meant to be expressed freely from your heart, how I unfortunately had to grow while we were apart.

A wise man once said "find those worth hurting for" or something along those lines

I took entirely too much time to realize, I claim responsibility for those love crimes

Both of those girl's are mine, an I spare no effort telling them how much they're constantly on my mind.

How much you wish to see me fall apart, can't touch how much love I exude throughout my art.

The only idol of mine, expressed love that didn't fade even when he died.

Nothing he done was ever negated by anyone expressing hatred.

Why you're still miserable, why I'll stop talking so you hear everything you said.

I poured my all into that person, and she misses that I'm not intuitive but my soul's certain.

While they think to laugh at my loss, I'm left knowing how much her love actually cost.

She won't hesitate to sleep around, you can't build with anyone that wants to see everything burn to the ground.

What's worse is the communication, why progress when you can merely put another person down?

I'm not willing to be better than the next person but you made a mistake a few years ago but I still need to see you hurt in person.

Three weeks, that's how long I was berated

My mother did the unthinkable, she doted on her son an said I was "perfect"

"YoU'rE nOt PeRfEcT"

What useless women do you know that proudly that kind of disrespect?

The ones that eat their sisters medicine till they have nothing left.

The ones that leave cigarette butts on the floor for your toddler to crawl around, she can't even argue with you because no one cared to address how dumb she sounds

An you tried loving the little sister she use, and told her about her trifling actions so she could see through each excuse.

Let me tell you what I know about abuse.

The abuser doesn't care that they hurt you, they only care about what they can do to change everyone else's view.

They don't just lie to their victims, they lie to everyone that'll cherish each an every excuse.

There's no such thing as progression for people that know they're wrong an get aggressive.

If only her older sisters man knew I was right, an his girl's another ugly lesson.

"We'Re ThE sAmE!"

Then you're about to share the same loss, why I need a real woman that doesn't aspire to be a girl boss.

Girl's like that will lose at every cost, then cry about each an every loss.

I didn't respect the man I had, hol up imma tell Facebook he's bad.

That'll get me those single digit likes from other women that are just sad.

You only miss me when it sinks in, an hate when I express myself about the love I wasn't seeing.

Telling me at any disagreement to kill myself, listening to everyone but the man that could actually help.

At some point, you gotta stop firing those that care more than anyone else.

Ignoring your mistakes won't help, I know how much it hurts to honestly evaluate yourself.

Nonetheless you need to, not just for you but our children too.

My idol taught me

"YoU'rE fAtHeR hAtEs YoU!"

Why do they know that's not remotely true?

She took advantage of my trust constantly, an how it impacted me negatively was the fact I initially believed there was something wrong with me.

You're not a female, if you express yourself as I do.

You'll only hear that from boys that build their entire lives around lies that aren't remotely true.

I deserve better, why I never wrote you a love letter.

Another woman will cherish my honesty, an it'll get easier to live without you.

I still love our children, an after I get a job I'll do all I can to see them.

Be apart of their lives, an you'll have to answer for your lies.

So much truth I laid before you to recognize, an you act as if they don't even deserve a concerned woman that would sympathize?

I'm not the best, for a better life I promise I'll do more than try.

I meant it then, an you told me I was a lie.

An I tried seeming like the bad guy, in hopes you'd just leave me behind.

Now no one's close to me, an you just say I'm on your mind.

I'm suppose to be grateful for love from people that don't think I'm worth their time?

For a chance at changing loves definition, I'll gladly keep trying.

Till then without them, I feel as if I'm slowly dying.

Imagine if you cared enough, to know I wasn't lying?

Just life as they wanted it to be for men, imagine getting stabbed an seeing them joke about it to their friends.

By any means?

I need to play that jester's games, so I can raise queens.

Those beautiful little girls know they're my everything.

Without them I have nothing.

So while you believe silence is worth stressing, supplement the pity for attention to the concerns I'm addressing.

The latter has been worse than upsetting, praising these dummies for pretending.

So they feel like their lies are worth defending?

If you wanna be the captain of a relationship that don't sink, comment below tell me what you think?

© mario2895