

Pain Is When...
Pain is when
You have a lot of money
But there's no use of it.

Pain is when
You have a lot of friends
But no-one is around when you need them.

Pain is when
You have a lot food at home
But there's no hunger.

Pain is when
You have studied a lot
But there's no manners and knowledge in you.

Pain is when
You wanna take care of your parents
But now you're late for it.

Pain is when
You wanna do something good for the world
But people just cheat you.

Pain is when
You wanna be honest with everyone
But you end up doing nothing.

But Joy is when
You don't let the world change you
But you change the world with your kindness.

khushiiii_prajapati/ khushi_prajapati25 (Instagram IDs)

© Khushi Prajapati Aazad-e-kalam