

~I'm  not  looking  for that moment  that  shines  the brightest.  That will  flame out and drift away on a cold nights breeze. What I've been  in search of for so long, is much more elusive. 
~ That moment  that connects  everything you are, all that you have been and the possibilities that you will be. Traveling through all time and space and  causes all the peices to fit, settling in place. It's the Kairos when all things are. The right place at the  right  time.  Some call it fate, while other believe it just a bit of chance.
~ This is the instants you want to stop time because how could  it get any better and I have been waiting so long. Can I just hold on to it, soak it in and taste  it. I hold on to that moment.  Funny  thing, for  me  it  hasn't happened yet.  But it has, I can feel it inside of me.  I'm waiting.

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