

what is love?
a question that has the
whole world running around
like headless chickens,
a question that seems answer less
its like a fantasy we all live under
a fantasy with deciet, corruption and lust.I really wonder WHAT IS LOVE?
To me its all about betrayal
its all deceit and its all wrong
it replaces joy with tears
it takes your happiness and repays
with pain, you will be left empty
with a void no one can fill...left
with one question
it makes one wonder where the creator of heavens and Earth is at?
Doesn't He see what is befalling his children
or He doesn't care...
The outcries of his supposed children
are falling on deaf ears.
He is said to be love
which love?
whose love?
What really is love?
I yearn for love...I long for love
I love love...its a wonder to have
I want to keep it forever....
till eternity.
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