

The lessons that i have learned throughout this year are:
Dear me,

Hope you are doing well. Happy to see you in a good profession you yearned for a long time ago. Keep going, girl. During this year, you achieved a lot from scratch. You gained good confidence levels in English speaking as well as in writing skills. Also, you gained so much confidence and strength from the toxic ones who surrounded you. I am so happy to see that you got to know that no one in this world is true except your family (papa, mama, and my sister). Till the past year, all treated you like a poor thing. But now, they all treat you with all the respect you wished. Keep going, dear. All the best for your future endeavors.

With love,

for you guyzz

The lessons i have learned this year🌼

1. "Don't show respect to those who disrespect you."
2. "Don't be like a peoples person!!!!
3. "Always trust yourself."
4. "Do hard work for your bright future."
5. "Don't underestimate the power of your brain, and also don't overestimate the power of others' brains."
6. "Always remember, all are fake except your loved ones."
7. "Don't get overly attached to anyone."
8. "Don't treat yourself as nothing in front of others."
9. "Don't believe in fake and dreamy friendships."
10. "It's the right time to initiate your plans for success."

keep going

© Gopika Gangadharan