

Your sister is a blessing
Your sister is a blessing
She do care of you when mom is missing..
She always make sure that you smile,
No one knows what she have hide.
She lift your soul to the high
so let her love make your life.

Do care of her, because you are her prize
Let her know that your love is not a lie ,
Let her know that you have been
blessed when she comes into your life..

Share your things with her..because she share the place of her heart,
she always say jokes apart

Her smile is priceless..can't even a millionaire can buy
but she smile when she see your smile

Her soul is pure... but she is a perfect blend of .. enemie but the mothery nature inside

You are very lucky that you have her in your life
so keep smile so.. she can smile,
love her more than your life.
Make her happy by giving your hundred percent in your life

she always be happy when she sees you go high....

© kill3rheartshreshth