

Fake Friends
With smiles so wide, and words so sweet
They lure you in, with a deceitful treat
They pretend to care, to listen and share
But behind your back, they show they don't care

Their words are hollow, their hearts are cold
They use you for gain, or a story to be told
They'll stab you in the back, with a knife so fine
And then pretend, they were always on your side

They'll drain your energy, with their constant need
And leave you empty, with a fake friend's deed
They'll whisper lies, and spread rumors too
And then act innocent, with a "who, me?" or two

But true friends are rare, and hard to find
The ones who stand by, through the ups and downs of life's grind
So beware of fakes, with their masks so bright
And cherish the real ones, who shine with love and light.