

A Million Possibilities
The blood oozing out
From my scars
My feet walking
Streets of infinite loneliness
My hands falling beside
In a lump of helplessness
My ears shutting out
The voices of happiness
My skin sweating
All the selflessness
My soul trying
To escape out of my mess
My body surrendering
To your darkness

Oh my dear night
You turned my life
Into a scary version of yourself
My entire being bowed down
And lost itself in your darkness
But my eyes kept staring,
Gazing beyond the black sky
Where the little stars shine
They were out of your reach
Unaffected by your frights
My eyes took in their spark
Healed my heart
My veins now carried the blood
That won't let my existence
Go into a waste

I was saved by looking
At those million
Possibilities that shone beyond
The black sky that covered
My life and engulfed me into darkness
But those stars showed me a path
And became my saviors.
Every night I lay under the sky
And spread my hands
To grab those million
Possibilities that shine beyond