

this is actually a song more than a poem
I love pop punk and that was what I was imagining when I wrote this and I also was feeling everything that I wrote as opposed to recalling a feeling.

Ever feel your heart could burst out of your chest
The increase of beats per minutes increasingly manifest
To the feelings that don't let you catch your breath
While also on the line between life and death
and while your not done yet
IT feels as close as one more step

Even if I could pop all of my worries like balloons aimed at with a dart
It's still tied to the very depths of my heart
this stupid game has dragged me back to start
The tape at the line like the world never fell apart

For causing me such turmoil
trembling breaths fast forward x2
to the ending always spoiled
For everything you take away or cause
And even though its our show
it's sucks our buttons get pushed
not a single one is pause

Slow deep breaths in out and out to in
a figure 8 of weight and it's indefinite
Even as I write these words
that bad feeling won't surrend
It just sinks into my chest
and let's me keep on playing pretend
Until it's ready to come back out again

My chest was feeling a bit to light
So go unload and load me up with stuff
that's easy to ignite
and just as easy to detonate on sight
As if I wasnt dealing with enough fucking stuff
Close my eyes wish you away
but i know that's asking my self to much
I used to come out on top
but guess over the years I've lost my touch
You really fucking suck