

Same yet Different...🖤💫
Everything same yet everything different..
Prespective of yours...
Can shatters the world of her's..
Game of yours...
Plays with the life of her's...

Just as the path is same,
Direction seems different...
Dimension is same,
prespective is different...
Noone never changed,
just seeing the things differently...
You can walk to the Inifinte,
If you sees it from your eyes...

What matters is how I see myself,
Breathtaking taste of destiny...
Inpisres the echoes of beginning,
Wink from the shining sky,
Melts the sorrows of yours...
I'm the master of my own fate,
Even the worst can turn out...
To be the best,
Even you can change your...
Life's perspective to live the rest,
Everything's same yet everything's different 🖤💫

© piece to shine