

The Jealous Friend
I loved it when she yelled at me,
It gave me a reason to yell back,
At last! I made her snap,
She slapped me,
And I slapped her back,
I've always wanted to do that,
When she cursed me,
I cursed her too,
Now I had a right to,
I've always hated her, though I didn't have a reason to,
But now I do,

It's just that
She's always been smarter
She's always been better
And I couldn't admit that
So it made me feel better
To say she wasn't so perfect

She pushed me to the floor,
I clenched my fists,
Could have distorted that pretty face,
But she walked away,
With tears in her eyes,

I loved the fact that,
She snapped,
Now everyone would see,
The girl without fault,
Was not without flaws,

I laughed,
She let her anger get the better of her,
Or perhaps I went to far,

She was a good friend,
And I lost her,
I was the jealous friend.
