

Fake Words
What's your worst feeling?
Well... not able to find the right words
To describe what's leaving inside of me
It feels even worst that I have to just keep to myself
Cos the only thing I trust is self

I have trust issues
But not with people
Instead with words
Cos they diminish everything I say
Every day they keep on betraying me

How many times do I get crucified for telling the truth,
For saying out what I feel deep inside?
I guess it's now routines
I'm alone! Again!

I go back to my room to find comfort
But it only offers pain and discomfort
I dialed all the numbers on my cell phone
But no one ever come forth

So I became an introvert
And when they talk I try to revert
I was always on alert of my self consciousness
Acting like a monk tilling grass

Sleeping became hard
I couldn't help but think
I'm sad but smile
That became my life
If you could read my mind
You'd be in tears
Because tears is all that I've got left

Somehow I was done
Yes for real
This time I'm emotionally done
Because mentally I'm drained
Spiritually I'm dead
And physically I smile

I said I love you
But your happiness is worth more than our being together
If you say stay away
I swear I will
But sometimes when I say I'm okay
I just need someone to hug me and say no you are not.

© Gambo Wadams Zakka (ElPoeta)