

Lost in a world I belong to, no comfort finds me waiting at my door, so why do I search so desperately for the place I call home?
Is this my home for these faces seem familiar, they smile and know my name, but this feeling is unfamiliar...can this really be home?
Suddenly the smiles fade, only loud noises excape there lips...yelling, telling me to smile be beautiful and im only this with a smile on my face, asking why I cant do anything right....yes this is my home!
I dont want to be here but I dont know how to leave..glue sealing my feet to the floor I cant move, remaining stagnant forever, ahh home!
How is it possible...voices even louder still--faces getting closer and closer to mine, I cant take it,
Trying to move, still stuck...legs motion like there trying to run but feet have no motion ..I hate my home!!
Finally, finally I wiggle myself free run for the door...freedom open spaces all around, sweet silence, no one telling me to be beautiful, no one caring if im not,
The sun starts to fade, leaving me in the dark, the once welcome silence now hurting my ears, the darkness torments me with fears.
Im scared all alone I cant do this, I dont know where to start...my feet are able to move but dont, I dont even know where to start!
Yes fear is my freedom--I cant take it, I will take your cruel words, I will smile--no one cares if its real or forced, smile be beautiful cause I dont know how to be alone...I just wanna go home!!
Suddenly a loud slam, bars closing around me, click goes the lock...I turn before my feet get sealed down,
All I see are angry faces, loud noises coming from there mouth--there faces get closer and closer--I cant take this! How can this be my home?
Two choices set before me, both leave me longing for the other--choices A I am a failure with angry company Choice B im scared and alone...
So im lost in a world I belong to with no comfort on either side of the door--so what am I searching so desperately for, nothing really matters anymore,
Welcome Home!!
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