

A Sweet Burdon
In the dawn of her sixteenth year,
With dreams untold and skies so clear,
She stands at the crossroads, feeling the weight,
Of hopes and dreams on her delicate slate.

Her parents’ wishes, bright and grand,
Rest heavy on her trembling hand.
In silent nights, she often ponders,
The path to take, as her mind wanders.

Each step she takes, each choice she makes,
Echoes the dreams her heart forsakes.
She yearns to fly, to touch the stars,
Yet feels confined by unseen bars.

Their voices whisper, gentle but firm,
“Be this, be that, and you’ll affirm,
Our love, our pride, in all you do,
For we believe, we trust in you.”

She nods and smiles, concealing the storm,
A tempest brewing, far from norm.
Inside she battles, torn apart,
Between her spirit and their heart.

Yet deep within, a fire burns,
A voice of courage, and slowly she learns,
To blend her dreams with those they cast,
To forge a future, strong and vast.

With grace, she’ll rise, and meet their eyes,
A phoenix born from compromise.
For in her heart, she holds the key,
To fulfill their dreams, and still be free.
© Pradip Hogade