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In a world where laughter and words intertwined seamlessly, she was captivated by his smiles. His lips curled at the corners, sculpting the essence of joyful moments, while his eyes sparkled with glee. She was utterly mesmerized.

Little did she know that his mere existence could wield such an impact. It was akin to delicately weaving together strands of cocoon silk, each thread handled with care, without breaking a single strand. Her life changed in just a blink.

The moment he pursed his lips, creating the curve that set everything right—it was his smile, radiating warmth like sunshine. His deep voice, a soothing melody, effortlessly found its way into her heart. "Hey!" he uttered under his breath, a word, deceptively simple, yet it changed her life forever.

She had never imagined that a single word could set her heart racing, each beat resonating loudly, nearly stealing her breath away.

Imagine how her cheeks reacted, flushed with the rosy hues of love, all because of that one, magical word—"hey!"

; tale of a friend's dreamy dream

© aubby.krrn