

Depressed lass

To monish, yes they did
To Harken, l never did
I consoled myself that l
Still could lead even if l end up limping.

Conquering was the norm.
Now hers is a tale
They narrate in mockery.
All confidence stripped off
Esteem ripped off.
I indeed am an angel fallen.

l now wear shame like a crown.
Failure like my stilettos.
Depression, the coat l put on all day.
Oh how it becomes me.
Regret the neckchain l wear bejewelled with tears of loud agonising cries.

I thought l could brave the flames
And perhaps conquer the ogre.
But l keep drowning and anguishing in this furnace of despair.
While my mind discombobulates me.

Oh Great Universe
In your infinite wisdom
And providential goodness
Wilt thou notice and heal.
