

Magical ✦
My vibe is magical

I see you running back to me

Begging for another chance

Is it my pretty face you miss?

Nah... it's my vibe that caught you like a fly trapped in a spider's web.

My vibe is magical

You couldn't leave me alone even if you wanted to..

You see baby..

I'm as rare as can be

I'm most humble & sweet

My vibe is what you feel

It's what you miss

I promise you'll never find a vibe like mines.

Why else do you run back to me?

It's not the sweet tender kisses

Nor the good love I give you that leaves your body shaking, your eyes rolling back as you bite your lip trying not to sing my name..

It's the vibe my love..

My vibe is magical

It's my vibe you crave

Your soul needing mines.

Keeps you begging for more.

- Qu'Raina Monaè