

Farewell seniors
In college halls, we've laughed and learned,
With memories that will forever burn.
Our senior, oh so wise and bright,
Leaving now, but in our hearts, you'll ignite.

Through our study sessions and endless chats,
You guided us with kindness, like a welcome mat.
Your knowledge and passion, a guiding light,
As you spread your wings, ready to take flight.

Though we may not have been the closest of friends,
Your impact on us, it surely transcends.
Thank you for the lessons, the laughs, and the cheer,
Wishing you success in all that lies near.

As you embark on new adventures, big and small,
Know that we'll always remember you, standing tall.
Farewell, dear senior, may your dreams come true,
And may life's blessings always shine on you.

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