

Dear me
Dear me, you don't always need to be the happy friend who will take two steps back to get them one step ahead.
You don't need to be the happiest person all the time it's okay to cry from time to time.
You don't need to give yourself away to prove you can do it. It's your body not there's so don't feel forced to say yes.
You don't need to say everything is fine when it's not it's alright to speak your mind.
You don't need to doubt yourself you are doing your best. It's not a crime to be sad or feel alone. It's ok to be scared of people not accepting you and turning backs.
You don't need to worry about the past or future. Live in the moment, it's ok for this poem not to rhyme and if it does here's a dime.
You don't need to pretend to be straight, your a lesbian and that's ok. Love isn't a choice and if someone what's to kill you or tell you it is you can clap back and stand up for yourself.

Dear me.
Just be you.
© Emily Mccollor