

uplifting drug victims
After years of tears and struggle, she gave birth to a son.
Wishing for his wellbeing, filled the room with cars and toy guns.

Mini smiles and tiny laughs make her dot some dark spots
Constantly whispering gratitude when he plays and trots.

Embraced him like blood in veins, and raised him like a prince.
She never reckoned that her upbringing will make her wince.

Spent every second and penny of life to build for him a throne.
Land of dreams has ruined and she cried with a groan.

Via invented disease, the mind-body and soul got afflict.
The prince of the throne was now tagged as a drug addict.

Clouds of hopes and desires burst. Life has turned into a curse.
Once who used to drink in silver cups now is dying with destructive thirst.

First, foot-step marks are still preserved in the garden like a temple but in drains and gutter now he strolls
Peace and comfort somewhere someone stole. physique and senses are out of control.

Friends, family, colleagues and relatives everything have lost.
yearning for the same honour, name and fame which has left in the past

Passion and goals have been missed.
Health and wealth have decreased.
Due to the cruelty of the adopted disease life of the druggy got seized.

Every action give birth to an impact
Enemies among friends learn to detect.
A rotten apple spoils the barren so boost intellect as a weapon to protect.
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