

In Her Shoes.!!
Oh that age old grand trick of sidelining a powerful community.Yea i got it.Iam in her shoes now.Wonder why these rules of Time,charector,vocabulary,behaviour and all set for just "Her". Oh may be you care right?
Thats so nice of you but we dont need sympathy.Know what? So tricky the world is that it knows how to trap us and feel ourselves helpless and careneeding ones in the name of Safety.Oh yea.But ever thought from what and who we need to be safe from??
I know its a long story but i wonder why the society is trying to chain me? Must be because i can do wonders that it wont like.I can do things that can hurt its dominative and patriarchial mindset.May be i can say No very eaisly and that no may make them bleed from their made up and planningly executed gender ego.. Oh you saying Take care when you go alone??? you saying dont go out night?? you saying dont talk with strangers?? May i ask why?? Is it because you care for the daughters or you fail to grow your sons well.What are we afraid of??

Pride is not an organ.Pride is not that something that can be taken away.Pride is not just obeying without questioning.Pride is not being afraid of ill minded people out there who are a shame for real men who behave with a classy and charming approach and respect womenhood.Pride is not getting married at mid 20s or even saying ok to partner for everything.But..Pride is being a women.A women who carries generations inside.A women whos stronger and bolder than they been tagged as.A women who can face world and react on it.A women whos choices are made by herself.A women who define things with her own words.A women whos filled with decision making ability and self respect
A women whos aware of the fact that the organic unity of men and women should be done with consent not conventional convictions and taglined rituals.
Iam putting the shoes back.i saw and feel what she needs .I saw what shes asking for not as gift but as her right.I realised shes not helpless or week.I know shes stronger and bolder than me.I realised her respect towards me is not my quality but her definition of kindness and equality.Shoes are back on her feet.All we can give is respect.All we can do is to join her in the ride if shes ok with it.I wonder how her tommorow will be wearing the same shoes.
Its high time we need to stop chain them in the name of safety and start raising our kids by teaching them equality and compassion.