

Sweet Bonnie
You came to visit some time ago,
After which you were never a no show.
You went to get a drink and saw your reflection,
You thought it was a skunk, but you soon made the detection!
You were so timid and shy,
Your tail stood ever so high.
Your tail would twitch and swish,
Oh, don't spray I would silently wish.
You and I we made a pact,
And this for sure is a fact!
I'd keep you fed your entire stay,
You would not lift your tail and spray!
Into the yard you'd come and it gladened my heart,
I would speak your name, you'd come running, you were so smart!
So those of you who don't think you can get along with skunks, behold,
You could be friends with time, patience, and food then just grab ahold!
Over time we became fond,
Even forming a neat bond.
One night my bright shining star,
Had been struck by a passing car.
Now your gone and on your way,
I took you up back and laid you to rest this rainy day.

© Cherie Comstock