

YOU all of YOU
I’ve been enchanted by every version of you that you’ve shared with me.
I want to know more and more of YOU
YOU, I love YOU
Not the you who’s born out of limerence inside my head
Not the you who’s a fantasy in my dreams
Not the you I hope or want you to be
It’s YOU
YOU the you who gets scared the you who gets extremely anxious the you who cries the you who gets angry the you who gets moody the you who shuts out the world and sets it on fire as you fly across it
The you who wants to be seen
The you who wants to be free
I don’t need you to change, please don’t. You might think we aren’t compatible but I don’t want to clip your wings.
I want to care for you and them.
Pour my love and care so that you may fly as high as you can.
I don’t want to be the reason your wings come off.
I want to fly next to you
I want to be your runway where you take off, your home base where you come back to.
I want you.
It’s YOU.
All of