

**rap **

I prefer to skip the route of talking
It's been shown to me consistently
Communication is dying
The habits fading
It's not often people hear what I'm saying
I'm like Jimmy fucken two shoes repeating myself
I hate it
Forbade to ever have an easy fucken day
And then I get questioned about the decisions I put into play

Like sarcastic passive aggression
I find easier to insult you , see now you're listening
My gentle voice is often dismissed an
It makes me fucken sick man
I get irritable quickly
Because I'm running on eight years of back dropping
Feel like an ornament
A tag along
I am the invited
But despite it
I'm talking to mindless

Why did you even entice me
Why did I bother
I know you're indecisive
you cause my patience to demise
You say that you like me
Is this how you show it
Cuz I wouldn't know it
I pay attention to what I like
I take care of what I decide
Seems to me youve made a decision
I just can't tell if you're lying
Or have been convinced by yourself?

must be in some poor mental health
did you really think you were ever trying to help
My God
Delusional huh?
You act as well as you fucken talk
One sided
Making me run
Hot in my blood
want to cut your voice box

I like to skip sentimentals
That shit drives me mental
I used to crave it
As a child
That was my candy
Sweet on the tongue of my brain
I know that sounds deranged
Anyways it's inane to me
Can't you see
Sentiment leads to failure indeed
One day it won't mean a thing
So how about skip it and cut to the next scene

I like to be by myself
Skip the store
I like door dash
I'm an antisocial bore
I don't like people

I've tried about a dozen times
But I must admit
Im not in line
Social cues disturb me
None of mine are gotten
Close the curtain
What the fuck is going on
Am I the protagonist in a sitcom?

I like to skip the jokes
I'm here for getting shit done
I don't like to laugh
And I kinda want you to choke
I'm not your friend
Everyone's a potential enemy in the end
Prove me wrong
Bet you won't
You've already proven me right and you didn't even know
You are blind
How do you walk a straight line.

© Jada E. Clark

#rap #inspo #skip