

I'm in freeze mode since Then.
You can call it teenage depression, laziness or whatever you want, but I'm productive... Just not in my mind.

Past repeats itself again and again but just in my brain.
I work hard and it shows in, I have the best people ever and I have goals and dreams too, but somehow I'm like a living body with dead braincells.

I can't put into words how I feel like, but life doesn't feel real since Then.
And I don't know what should I do and what is the realest reason why I feel this but I know, everything will be alright when I finally find you and you find me too.

I know God is waiting for you either to send you to me,
And at this point I don't give a fuck if you aren't the most handsome man in the World,
Just please show me what real life is to not lose my hope.