

In my school days
As kids, one of the scariest moments in our lives is when our parents look at our school grades. What is something similar to this in Adulthood? Write a poem about this.

My schooling days were like nights to me,
kids happy to instill pain on me.
Learning was painful because I learnt nothing. The exams were a breeze because I knew nothing. The strokes on my back made me feel something, atleast I was touched by my father, and I felt something outside the usual nothing.

As I grew older, old enough to sip from the bottle, I was happy I felt something. The days and night felt like the strokes on my back as I felt something from the one who gave me nothing but fear and ability to do nothing.

I'm afraid the exam this time would be a breeze because I've learnt nothing. and this time, life is here to land a stroke and oh!!! I'll feel something.

© Faith Daniel