

The dying child
I remember that day,
When tears fell from my eyes,
As dad came home claiming there was no pay,
For somebody snatched it away from him,
And he could not take it from him,
For he was so powerful than him,
But to my surprise is was only a virus.

The next day mom woke up coughing,
Coughing and complaining that she could hardly breath,
When dad took her to the nearby dispensary,
For further treatment,
He came back his head low in despair,
When I asked him about mother's condition,
All he could say was"The virus is taking her"

When I suddenly remembered something,
We will be taken to quarantine and be locked there,
I tearly turned to face my dad,
And slowly turned my head side to side,
But all I could say was I won't go there,
When dad hugged me sadly and tearly,
Slowly patting my head assuring me that it's well.

That night around midnight,
Dad took me outside the house with all my belongings,
And moved his hand to and from as a sign ,
That I should quickly leave,
I could see the tears and pain in his eyes,
As I was disappearing in the forest,
I could hear the police license approaching our house,
I couldn't help crying out loud as I was running,
That daddy might not be spared.

Then soon I was free as an air molecule,
But there is one mistake that made me regret,
I forgot my asthma medicines at home,
When someone with a strong perfume scent passed across me,
And that was when I began suffering since I couldn't breath properly,
When I tried to ask for help from my neighbour,
But all she could do was call 1511.

Few minutes later the ambulance arrived,
When doctors who were putting on all protective gears arrived,
And carried me to the ambulance,
Soon the ambulance arrived at the quarantine,
Where by I was placed one room with the ready infected ones,
My chance of survival was very low coz the room was filled with strong odours,
And that was when I could hear daddy's words ringing in my ears,
"The virus is taking her"