

Dear, Future Love
Dear, Future Love

Please be good to me,
I promise I'll be good to you,

Let's promise to always communicate with each other,
If you're good to me, you'll meet my mother,

I know I'll have to wait for you,
But hopefully you're waiting for me to,
I promise the only tears you'll have are happy tears,

I hope you help me overcome my fears,
As I help you overcome yours,
I hope you'll take care of me,
The way I'll take care of you,

When I find you and you find me,
I hope we'll last forever,

For right now, I hope you're taking care of yourself,
As I am taking care of myself,
I hope life isn't being to hard on you,

I hope you aren't getting your heartbroken, but if you are,
It'll be ok, I wouldn't break your heart,
As long as you don't break mine,

And when you and I are together hopefully everything will be fine,

Dear, Future Love
Don't rush into anything take your time,
As I'm learning not to rush into anything and how to take my time,

Dear, Future Love