

Sometimes unexpected things happens
To the least expected
Your loved ones, You or to the
Least expected around you
Sometimes death takes people you value
And things dear to your heart vanish forever
Sometimes these experiences put within
You some "Why" questions
And you feel you don't deserve them
You tried all your best possible to
Avert the situations
But somehow Fate won by making them happen
Sometimes you sit alone and ask yourself
"Is God really aware about all these?
Is this really from God or Satan preformed his functions? "
When situations like these happens
You just have to be strong for yourself and people looking up to you
Pick the broken pieces and move on
Knowing life continues either with or without that missing loved one
Another chapter of your life is about to be written
But with one of your loved ones missing
They will all become memories
Your decision either makes it sweet or bitter
Here is one certain assurance you have
"Fear not I am with you "
A promise made by the "I Am"
Who never fails.

#Stay Strong #