

Life of a shadow
In the quiet dawn, beside your feet I lay,
A faithful shadow, silent through the day.
Born from the sun’s gentle, golden kiss,
I've watched your life in its transient bliss.

Once, I was a fleet-footed specter of play,
Chasing your laughter on youthful days.
Beneath the towering trees and azure skies,
I danced in tandem to your joyous cries.

I stretched longer as your dreams took flight,
Woven in the glow of hopeful light.
Through the echoes of time, I’ve silently known,
The contours of each step as you’ve grown.

In the hum of life’s relentless flow,
I watched in reverence, the ebb and the glow.
Your laughter softened with the twilight years,
Yet your spirit shone through the veil of tears.

Now, in the tender dusk, I rest by your side,
A loyal witness to love’s abiding tide.
Your pace has slowed, yet the light is kind,
Casting me gently as memories unwind.

I hold your journey in my ethereal embrace,
A mirror of time sketched in shadowed grace.
Rooted in grace, as your body bows.
Forever bound to your soul's vows.

And as the night sprawls its silken shroud,
Together we’ll float in the gathering cloud.
For in my silence, an eternal truth unfurls—
To cast your legacy upon the world.