

It aint easy
It aint easy
to fight
when youve lost a million battles
it aint easy
to care
when youve wondered if anyone cares for you
it aint easy
to laugh
when tears are simpler than a smile
it aint easy
bein brave
when your doubts are stronger than your courage
it aint easy to love
when youve lost it once before
it aint easy
to see the light
when lifes been paved in only darkness
lost battles build you
to win
and being lonely
teaches you
to care
tears of sadness
make laughter appreciated
and doubts
prepare you to be brave
broken hearts
show you what it means to love
and darkness
paves a way for light
it aint easy
to get up after
a long night
it aint easy
but nevertheless
thats what gives you
strength to fight