

Funeral Singer
Funeral singer
Life bringer
From womb to underground
Funeral singer, sing for me
Let your voice ring throughout the earth
Across the sky and sea
And let it bring comfort to the mourners
Let it bring peace to the sojourners
Funeral singer
It’s cold without your voice
May it echo in the halls of cathedrals
Until the night comes upon it
Misery and sadness
Balanced with joy and gladness
Funeral singer
Softly sing to mourners
Comfort is not easily brought
At the core of great loss
So gentle and soft
A peaceful sound to accompany the weeping
What a contradiction
A song for the sleeping
With the words of rejoicing
But for every soul saved
How many lost
Funeral singer, we can’t count the cost
How many hear the message
Yet their hearts are shut off
From womb to underground
People have chance after chance
To receive
You bring the message
With a voice like silk
People hear but don’t often listen
Funeral singer
When it comes time, one sings for you
A legacy of bringing life to the mourners
A legacy of bringing peace in the midst of grief
© MattDyver