

Being human
Random day, twas around midnight,
Mind hazy, found myself in a funny conversation
with Inanimate objects, they speak in my mind,
Saying "It must be nice to be human."
"Nice", I chuckled at that, "It sure is,
If I had to put aside my woes and worries
the way I shove my clothes
inside my wardrobe in a hurry,
and come back in my free time
to fold them back properly
It sure would be nice.
If I could clear my doubts
the way I clear my table,
after every single meal I have,
even if I'm still left feeling
quite empty but relaxed,
replacing dirt with clarity
rather than confusion
It sure would be nice.
If I could wipe off some memories,
the way I wipe off dust and smudges
from windows, panes or kitchen counters,
fresh, good as new, for good health too
It sure would be nice.
If I had to turn off my thoughts
running freely inside my mind,
the way I turn off the lights,
ceasing the flow of current,
in the silence of the day,
in the stillness of the nights,
It sure would be nice.
If I could wash away my sins,
the way I wash my clothes and dishes
And feel alive or like an infant again,
no stains of regrets, no foul smells
of lingering fears of God's punishment,
still so delicate and innocent,
It sure would be nice.
If I could put all of my anger away,
the way I put my blades and scissors
carefully inside my bedroom drawer,
to make sure they're used in the right ways,
and not to hurt myself or someone else,
if I could control my jealousy,
the way I control my TV remote,
It sure would be nice.
If I could block out the sounds,
like mockery and dirty insults,
harsh words upon my hearing,
if I could be like a thick wall,
and ignore them all
It sure would be nice.
I could say a lot of things,
but what can I say to you guys,
being human is painful
and maybe that is why,
if I could ever be satisfied,
like the bookshelf with displays
of cherished stories and amazing books,
If I could feel fresh and majestic
like the painting of a flower or a scenery,
I wouldn't have to call myself ugly,
I wouldn't have to be so self conscious,
If I could be like a flower vase,
delicate but still very expensive,
I wouldn't have to live with low esteem
I wouldn't have to feel so worthless,
Feel pain, feel hurt, feel anger,
Feel hollow, sad and depressed,
If I could be like any object
I wouldn't have to feel it all,
And perhaps, it is because we feel,
is exactly why we get easily hurt,
And if not then I would say,
It is certainly nice to be human."

(𝑭𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒆 8𝒕𝒉 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒎 𝑱𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒍)
© Filia💞