

A candle light in a dark room,
When would it go out? Nobody knew,
But while it stayed, I have had the pleasure to talk to,
My shadow, which was long due,
She was shy, hard to come by,
Misunderstood quite often, she would cry and cry,
Often, she would ask, "why oh why?,
How is it so easy for them to lie?
"You can tell me anything", and then they would leave,
And with the weight of these scars on me, how could I believe?"
But as time slipped by, she grew tough and numb,
Black became her solitude, to silence she would succumb,
She was sweet and gentle, but perception made her look evil,
In the world where Light was the angel and dark was the devil,
So never to let anyone in, she took refuge behind me,
Let my surface do the talk, and let her be,
In peace, a gentle smile reseted on her face,
As she gently blew the candle light out and left me in daze,
Slowly finding peace in the dark...

© amyd