

pain called hope
I grew weiry of hope, the pain seems forever.
I finally got to the end of the tunnel and found even more darkness, she lied.

I wish I didn't have to go through all these, and maybe died.

Or was death the the light she had promised, where there will be no weeping and gnashing of teeth, something different from this hell I feel.


I have longed so much to give a sigh of relief, I never want to relive this.

I am going to take this life, perhaps she's at the other end of life, a burning light.

I could feel the heat as sweat drippled down my face, if hope was hell and it was all deceit.
She had been with me all along, her aim was to my grave.

Before my final breath, I hope I get the chance to let all hell loose on hell painted hope.
© daniel

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