

I’ll Forever Cherish You
I’ll forever cherish the way you fumble on your words,
Watching the rosy color spread across your face.
The way you smile trying to hold back your laughter,
Hiding your mouth from my sight as I admire the sound that feels like a warm embrace.

The way you bring a kind of fondness to counter any that gloom comes your way,
Challenging every slander that threatens yourself or others you hold dearly in your heart.
The way you constantly try to help those around you,
Doing your best to be a foundation for them before you part.

How you provide a shelter for those who need a safe place to stay,
Whether it be a figurative or an existent type of place.
The way you’re always there to listen to my worries,
Thinking of solutions to any issue that we may face.

I love how you protect yourself from the thoughts that restrain you and block your way,
Fighting endlessly for yourself and those you care about everyday.
I’m grateful for everything you’ve done and the sacrifices you’ve made for us day-to-day,
Especially for promising us that you wont ever go away.

Now it’s my turn to give you a gift that is long overdue,
I promise that as long as I can remember, I’ll forever cherish you.
© Grinchy