

I cry
Every human does
We cry
That's one of the many things we have in common
When my heart breaks
I cry it out
I cry until I can't anymore
I cry until my tears have wet my clothes
I cry until my family asks me why I'm being so anti social
I cry until my friends notice that I'm distancing myself from the outside world again
I cry my heart out
I let the tears flow
I let my fears go
I let it all show
I'm not good at hiding but I try
"I try"
Two words I find hardest to say
Two words that never come out of my mouth
Two words that everyone else says freely but I struggle to
One day I'll say it
One day it won't be so hard
One day it'll just flow
Even then, I still cry
I cry my heart out
No one sees it
No one hears it
No one knows about it
I don't tell them
I don't show them
I don't open up to them
But it's fine
It's okay
It always is
At least that's what they say
Is it okay, though?
Why does it feel as though it isn't?
Will it be?
Why does it feel like it will never be okay?
Has it ever been okay?
Why does it feel like it has never been okay?
© BobbyThomasSecret