

Human Heart
No matter how good and God loving a person is, that does not guarantee he is can avoid committing sins.
Oftentimes they are the blind ones of their own actions. Everybody does commit mistakes and sinful acts.

Hording is what rich people are capable, it isn't their fault they can have what poor people doesn't and cannot have but it was selfishness when one only thinks of himself in the midst of emergency and shortage of supply. Trying to use everything for himself is not his fault but a sin to neglect other's needs.

Being poor is not a curse nor a punishment. It is the outcome of laziness. Praying does help but it will never make anyone rich or successful without sacrifices. No pain no glory.

Saving money is very necessary in order to have more and something in times of need but when you only knew how to save and not to spend it because you feel it will be a waste if spent on material stuff isn't it greediness against generosity? You are blessed more than the others for a reason not for you to keep them. Your money is a thing therefore it can only buy things not life, not feelings snd much more not time.

When we pretend we are fine instead of admitting whatever ugly truth we feel, we just don't lie, we let our fear take over us. Too coward to take the courage to speak our minds because we are afraid of others who are nothing but just like us, stained, broken and pretending.

When we feel we are not enough, discontented of what we have it is not discontentment. Envy it is, that dussatisfies us. We look at others, how they look like, what they have and they can that we look down to the gifts we have and the being we are created to be. We disregard our purpose over ambition we call Goals in life.

when we cannot forgive others for what they did to us, even if we have all the right to be hateful, we let hatred rule over compassion. Making us thought of evil ways to return the pain, revenge, skim, plot and harm them just to comfort ourselves. Will it really make us feel better and undone everything?

Why do people throw daggers in the dark behind each other's back, gossip, slander, bad mouth one another, even between friends and among family members, Is it betrayal? No. it is more of Jealousy...We find it hard to be surpassed by anyone whether by beauty, by intelligence or talent. We want to be superior than the others while we live for us to be recognized, be known, be appreciated and love, yet it is nothing but fake admiration.

If you want to leave a legacy. Treat people like how God wanted. It is the only thing that will be remembered by them when you are dead. Not your money you save, your car they never get to drive, your possessions they cannot have or even the business they can never take part with.
You will only be remembered by the kind of person you had been in their lives.

Human heart without God's Love is shallow, dark and evil. That is the nature of man but your mind decides which way to go, what words to utter and which act to do.