


1.Surrendering to failure doesn't last for long,
-It might be a test of fulfillment for all,
-One might be in struggle and stress,
-Hoping that the world will be with you.

2.The journey of success is Long,
-For those who see it as difficult,
-It might be easy for believers,
-But narrow for disbelievers,

3.But failure in life cannot be predicted,
-It is expected at any moment of life,
-Thou trials and backdrops will come,
-One should be steadfast and strong,

4.Faith with out works is dead,
-So as body with out soul is hell,
-But our faith will be judge by our works,
-When plates of success is abound and glorified,

5.Farewell to all with internal hope,
-I see the clouds smiling in the sky,
-With Joy of the summer morning,
-Because all effort will be a mere success.

6.The only way for success is failure,
-It you are a victim of failure don't mourn,
-Get up and stand tall,
-Because you are a winner,
-And you will be on top of the world,
-never ever give up the struggle,
-because hope wins it all.