

screaming through my poetry be like
I find it hard to carry on sometimes
Sometimes I feel all alone in this world
Cause sometimes they blame me for what I am inside
Maybe my behaviour is a reason to hurt

I don't always feel like I belong
Sometimes I feel like I've been misplaced
Like I deserve to be all alone
And like I've been made for something else

And they don't really wanna get this all
No matter if they have good intentions
No one wants to listen to the story I have untold
And I hold so much rage and frustration

Maybe if my family was more understanding
Everything would be so easier as well
But maybe the things that have happened
Have been For the best despite all the hell

But I find it so hard to carry on
I didn't deserve to feel like I'm a mistake
But how can I believe it when I have been told
All the cruel things that caused me so much rage