

A mysterious darkness
The long dim shadows,
Of surrounding trees,
The hooting sound of an owl,
With enchanting whispers of the breeze.

Wind passing through the dry leaves ,
Of the trees relaxing with its branches and tenants,
Innocence of sleeping birds in the nest ,
Howling of wolves heard over a long distance.

Sitting alone beside my tent and reclining on the treebark,
Thinking about how dark the night is,
And feeling the silence of the atmosphere,
Like a mysterious fear in the unknown bliss.

A narrow river flowing beside the tree,
Very mild and lifely sound of waterflow,
A peaceful sound in the utter silence,
Giving my heart a supportive confidence though.

The stars were looking down from the black sky ,
My frightened soul staring on the sky with sadness,
And searching for the half white moon,
Sitting alone behind the clouds among all the darkness.

Suddenly strong wind coming from somewhere destroyed my tent,
To make the night more adventurous,
Realised the dark deepness of that night very closely ,
Which made my sleepless eyes more anxious.
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---- Shiladitya Mondal