

From Afar: Her Perspective
"I liked you too"

In some twisted dream,
I thought we could be more, or so it seemed.
But now I see the bitter truth,
Your silence, your games, they’ve left me bruised.

I saw the gap, your constant lies,
How you’d break us with your alibis.
You never gave what I deserved,
Pretending like it was always my fault.

You dated others, ones you liked less,
Their easy wants, their simpler mess.
Physical sparks, with no real ties,
You left me bleeding, fed me lies.

I saw you lurking, from a distant place,
Clinging to a dream, my heart’s disgrace.
Not for now, but for who you aimed to be,
A better man? A fantasy.

You flirted in your selfish fits,
Weak moments showing you’re full of it.
I’m lonely too, and filled with rage,
As you have trapped me like a feral beast in your cage.

It was always your ego, never truly me,
A dance of your flaws, such a fantasy.
A dreamer’s curse, a coward’s plight,
Breaking free takes all my might.

So, from afar, I watched you play,
Hoping you'd change, yet here I stay.
But now I see, you’re not the man,
Inflicting pain was always the plan.

© sionx