

New Beginnings
Changing seasons have new beginnings,
Like the shoots of plants on a spring morning,
Like the glow of light from the new moon,
Like the drops of rain in the middle of June.

Such a splendid view and feeling, dawn of a new day for you in existence.
Even after everything you have been through in the past, may this day be a reminder that time moves fast.
People change so do seasons change, although the reasons they change remain the same.

New beginnings don't always mean death to what once was, rather they redeem and rebirth what was lost of us.
Open your eyes as much as you open your mouth, look to the North as much as you look to the South.
Open your mind as well as you open your heart, sieve through the lies, discard hate and have a fresh start.

Learn to listen more and let your spirit roam free, appreciate those before and let all secrets come free.
Practice what you preach, think thoroughly before you teach, never risk anything that you are in doubt of.

It's alot to take in at once if you try to learn it all in one day, that's why new beginnings happen everyday.
So just like the days and the seasons of the year, May new beginnings find you every step of the way.

© Nimrad Robinson