

Adult children

We are all playful children, even as we age forever.
Just look through the gates into the world, and play whoever you want.

Board games from mom and dad are long gone. And your struggle sways like a swift bow.
Flames spark from it through the laughter of dreams. But who could outrun the light of their gods?

Tell me, everyone would take the tool innately given to them. It doesn't matter when it's meant to be.
A policeman or a firefighter, even a politician of peace or war, wouldn't fear the mountains of picturesqueness.

But don't forget, he who gives greater suffering becomes a mightier lord.
So be cautious in every gamble, lest you lose even your own board.

Indeed, our world is complex. But just a game for the omniscient to grow.
We are serious, that we even kill the common loss. And perhaps, just petty creatures, we should have been.

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